James Terry

James Terry’s fiction has appeared in The Iowa Review, The Georgia Review, The Dublin Review, The South Dakota Review, The Connecticut Review, The Notre Dame Review, Pleiades, The Barcelona Review, Fourteen Hills, Failbetter, and elsewhere. His stories have been nominated for the Pushcart and O. Henry prizes. He is the author of a short story collection, Kingdom of the Sun (University of New Mexico Press, 2016), and two novels, The Solitary Woman of Shakespeare (Sandstone, 2016), which was shortlisted for the 2017 HWA Debut Crown Award, and Heir Apparent (Skyhorse, 2019). His work has previously been published in Fiction No. 55 and No. 58. He lives in Liverpool, England.

Fiction Stories by James Terry

Rent Number 64
Blanco Number 58
Midnight Pools Number 55

Select Publications by James Terry